Friday, February 4, 2011

Is That You?????

Homophobia is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbiangaybisexual, and in some cases transgender and intersex people. Definitions refer variably to antipathycontemptprejudice, aversion, and irrational fear. Homophobia is observable in critical and hostile behavior such as discrimination and violence on the basis of a perceived non-heterosexual orientation. In a 1998 address, author, activist, and civil rights leader Coretta Scott King stated that “Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood.
Among more discussed forms are institutionalized homophobia (e.g. religious and state-sponsored, lesbophobia – the intersection of homophobia and sexism directed against lesbians, and internalized homophobia – a form of homophobia among people who experience same-sex attraction regardless of whether or not they identify as LGBT.
Two words originate from homophobiahomophobic (adj.) and homophobe (n.). A person who displays homophobia or is thought to do so is decribed as being homophobic and labelled as a homophobe.

Classification of Homophobia
Homophobia manifests in different forms, and a number of different types have been postulated, among which are internalized homophobia, social homophobia, emotional homophobia, rationalized homophobia, and others. There were also ideas to classify homophobia, racism, and sexism as an intolerant personality disorder.
Homophobia has never been listed as part of a clinical taxonomy of phobias, neither in DSM or ICD; homophobia is usually used in a non-clinical sense.

Social homophobia

The fear of being identified as gay can be considered as a form of social homophobia. Theorists including Calvin Thomas and Judith Butler have suggested that homophobia can be rooted in an individual's fear of being identified as gay. Homophobia in men is correlated with insecurity about masculinity. For this reason, allegedly homophobia is rampant in sports, and in the subculture of its supporters, that are considered stereotypically "male", like football (rugby).
These theorists have argued that a person who expresses homophobic thoughts and feelings does so not only to communicate their beliefs about the class of gay people, but also to distance themselves from this class and its social status. Thus, by distancing themselves from gay people, they are reaffirming their role as a heterosexual in a heteronormative culture, thereby attempting to prevent themselves from being labeled and treated as a gay person. This interpretation alludes to the idea that a person may posit violent opposition to "the Other" as a means of establishing their own identity as part of the majority and thus gaining social validation.
Nancy J. Chodorow states that homophobia can be viewed as a method of protection of male masculinity.
Various psychoanalytic theories explain homophobia as a threat to an individual's own same-sex impulses, whether those impulses are imminent or merely hypothetical. This threat causes repression, denial or reaction formation.
_Please Stop It_


KhalijahSaid said...

We all now that no one has the right to determine another's attitude, be it an individual bias or a corporate attitude which resides in the national consciousness. However we can and must place sanctions on behaviour, for behaviour is the human expression that can really impact the lives of others.

If we can prevent this situation in our country or among us it will be a much safer and agreeable place to live!

So we need to take action quickly for this situation before it's spread to be more worse. This is because this case is become popular and serious in the world and our country nowadays.


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